Your First Visit to Our Practice

We hope that you will find our office warm and welcoming.

We have three priorities on your first visit.

  1. Determine the cause of you problem. There are several options for feeling better. Morphine will make your symptoms go away faster than any we can do. But if we can determine the cause of your and change it, you’re going to get long term results.
  2. Determine if you are a candidate for care. Our promise to you is to either help you or get you in the hands of the person who can. We want to determine if you are in the right place to get the care that you need. If you are not, we do not want to waist your time and money and we will send you to the right person.
  3. Answer any of the question or concerns that you have. Many people are scared or skeptical of chiropractic. We welcome skepticism. Please don’t let your questions go unanswered.

If you fill your paperwork out in advance, please plan one hour for this first visit.

Health Questionnaire

Our staff will greet you warmly when you arrive. After filling out some brief information about your health we begin your initial consultation.


We want to hear your story. This is crucial to determining the cause of your problem


The brain controls every organ and cell in your body through the nerve system. If your structure puts pressure on the nerve system it creates a ‘short circuit’ effect; too much information going to one side of your body and not enough information to the other. This is called a subluxation. We’re looking to see if your body displays this sceanario. If so, we can help.

The exam consists of:

Supine Leg Check

If the nerve system is not balanced, muscles pull tighter on one side of the body. In this scenario the muscles attached to the pelvis will contract tighter on one leg creating what appears to be a shorter leg.

Anatometer Examination

How does this imbalance affect you when you’re standing? One hip will be higher than the other. The same is true for the shoulders. The pelvis will be rotated to the right or the left and the body will lean right or left.

Nerve Scan

Nerve Scan

If we think the brain is not communicating to the body correctly through the nerve system, we have to be able to measure it. It is possible to make a person’s pain go away without balancing the nerve system. If we don’t balance the nerve system, even if the pain subsides, the problem will return.

Pre X-rays (or “before x-rays”)

We only take x-rays if determined that your spine and nervous system is out of balance. This is to determine how to precisely correct your misalignment to take the pressure off your nerve system.

At this point we have all the information to determine if we can help you and we need time to determine precisely how to correct the problem. This is the main reason why it requires two visits to get started.

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