Dr. Chris Wambeke

It was destiny!

I couldn’t escape the dreams. Night after night in my final year of high school I woke up frustrated after having another dream of myself as a chiropractor. I didn’t want to be a chiropractor. Growing up with scoliosis I stopped by my chiropractor’s office weekly on my way home from school. I knew what chiropractors were; cardigan wearing guys with loud ties that told bad jokes and explained medical conspiracies.

There was never any question as to the power of chiropractic. Before becoming a patient I suffered from knee pain, extreme low back pain, irritable bowel, lactose intolerance, chronic colds and flues, migraines, and acne. I knew the power of chiropractic. I just thought chiropractors had to dress like Mr. Rogers.

Eventually I gave in and started down the path of my upcoming career. While at chiropractic college I played rugby to discover more health problems. Despite chiropractic care three times a week, my symptoms subsided for only hours. I started to ask:

  • If the effects from an adjustment only last a number of hours, how is chiropractic different than Advil?
  • If my spine and nervous system needed to be aligned everyday, was I ever in alignment?
  • What enables a person to hold or stay in alignment?

My inquiries lead me to NUCCA, a system of balancing the nervous system to correct the misaligned spine. After becoming a patient, my life changed forever. Within hours my body started to detoxify. Within weeks my pain was gone, I could think clearly, and my energy and metabolism increased. For the first time in my life I stayed in alignment for months at a time. The dreams back in high school now made sense. I needed to offer this service to my community. I needed to enable people to live the life they were designed to live.


On the weekends you will find Dr. Chris and his wife Tress in the mountains. “Whether it’s skiing, biking, rafting, or hunting, there’s a reason for every season. Growing up in Montana I’ve found I’m most comfortable when I’m up in the woods.”

In order to stay active, Dr. Chris gets to the gym on a regular basis. “I’ve found that if can sweat once a day, my life goes smoother. I used to work out because I was fat. I later started to work out in order to be fit for the activities I love. Now I find that if I work out I think clearer, I don’t stress out, and I have more energy for the people in my day.”

“Thanks for visiting our site. I look forward to meeting you in person and learning how we may be of service to you. Give our office a call, or email me using the link below and let’s arrange a time to explore your options.”

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